Crystal Reports® AddOn's for Enterprises ...

Extension features in Crystal Reports®
The possibilities of the report generator are significantly expanded by the so-called user function libraries (CRUFL).

In addition to the classic integrations for barcode generation, data integration functions take the report generator into a new league.

Reporting Tool's for ERP COMARCH CEE ...

OQL Expression:
More than a replacement for the “SQL expressions” that cannot be used here.
With a new query function (OQLExpression) sub-reports for “data collection” can now be replaced ...
... A single formula field can often replace a subreport.

• Virtual functions and virtual tables are much easier to use in the main report.

• Individual values, but also entire series of values, can be queried and used in the report.

• Data read with OQLExpression is aggregateable in the main report, which is not possible with subreport data.

• Reports become clearer because multiple references, initialization, etc. (common variables) are eliminated.
• Export problems (e.g. xls, xlsx) due to subreports are a thing of the past.

PDF Print:
Dynamically integrate PDF documents into reports "PDFPrintPageN".
With this new PDF integration (PDFPrint) it is now possible to output PDF Files in Crystal Reports® ...

... specifying the file.
... specifying the desired page(s)
... the resolution can also be controlled


Crystal Reports® AddOn's für business applications ...

Supplementary libraries (CRUFL) - BarCode (1D,2D):
Code 128/B, Code39/p, DataMatrix and of course QR Code .... (Zint Integration)
no fonts required ...

Supplementary libraries (CRUFL) - free database queries:
• Integrating any queries on SQL databases, record by record
• high-performance integration of various database systems
• this creates an effective solution without ETL or complex data consolidation

Supplementary libraries (CRUFL) - data transfer / modify data(!) / interface reports:
• Execute SQL statements, such as insert, update, delete
• High-performance and synchronous database interfaces between different database systems
• Logging of data comparisons as a 'by-product' of the report generator
• automated job processing of the 'interface reports' by 'Business2Report'

... the business application / BI - construction kit


Crystal Reports® Viewer zur
Integration oder stand alone ...

Online/Offline Viewer:
be it just for display or to retrieve the latest data

Calls that can be integrated into your business application:
• Integration into ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Web applications or automated in the background
• Integration of various database systems (directly or via odbc)
• Background database login in online mode
• Suppressed dialogue completes integration (command line)

different output formats:
• Display only for data visualization directly on the screen
• Extensive export formats / functionalities (xls, pdf, rtf, doc, html, csv, xml ...)
• automated print output to physical printers
• with output options such as page orientation, copies, etc. • various parameterization options and options ...

... the Business Report Engine

Click here for the Report Engine documentation ....


Lassen Sie uns reden ...

We are happy to answer questions about the products and solutions
Feel free to give us a call ....

lignos project
Ronald Hahn
Finanzamt Dresden
Ust.- Ident-Nr. DE237170417
Hofwiesenstraße 17
01169 Dresden
+49 351 2067990

Datenschutz ...

The trademarks and brand names listed are the property of the respective manufacturer
technical changes reserved

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Report-Viewer documentation ...

You can start downloading the documentation here
The PDF document will be sent to you ....

- general features
- OS Requirements
- Database connectivity
- Database logon
- ODBC - output options
- Parameter usage
- sample configurations<> - Command Line

or direct:
+49 351 2067990

The trademarks and brand names listed are the property of the respective manufacturer
technical changes reserved

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